Old Time Mandolin Music

Rock the Cradle Joe

I learned "Rock the Cradle Joe" from a banjo playing friend of mine who learned it from the Banjo Hangout.  "Rock the Cradle Joe" is supposed to have originated around Virginia and North Carolina and is relatively well known in OTM circles.  There are few different versions that all follow the same chord progression and general groove of the tune.

I haven’t found/listen to any CD recorded version that’s similar to the way we, me and my banjo friend, play it.  There is some information ibiblio.org about the tune -> "Rock the Cradle, Joe" on ibiblio.org and found this YouTube video which is pretty much the version that I’ve tabbed out for mandolin -> Jim Pankey plays "Rock the Cradle Joe" on Clawhammer banjo.

Download a pdf of "Rock the Cradle Joe"  -> Click RockTheCradleJoe.pdf