Old Time Mandolin Music

Old Mother Flanagan

I learned Old Mother Flanagan (sometimes spelled Flannigan) from a recording by Steve Rosen and Acie Cargill title Old-Timey Giants.  Steve and Acie play this in the key of G and I’ve transposed it to the key A as that’s the key some of my OTM friends play it in.

As you might know, Old Mother Flanagan is often played in Irish music circles.  Here’s a version, which is very close to Steve and Acie’s version, played in the key of A.  Old Mother Flannigan transcription from Glenn Weiser’s website -> Old Mother Flannigan in the key of A.

A couple of YouTube versions similar to the version I’ve provided:



Also note that when played in the key of A, Old Mother Flanagan makes a nice medley tune with Liza Jane.  I’ve been playing the medley of Liza Jane first followed by Old Mother Flanagan with some OTM friends and they sound good together.

Here are a few versions of Old Mother Flanagan that might be of interest.

-The Fuzzy Mountain String Band, The Fuzzy Mountain String Band, Rounder 0546

-Joel Mabus, Flatpick & Clawhammer, Fossil 793

-Kenny Hall, Kenny Hall and The Sweets Mill String Band, Bay Records 727

-Norman and Nancy Blake, While Passing Along This Way, Shanachie 6012

-Poverty Line Old Time Band, Poverty Line Old Time Band, Sadawala Music Everything

-Wilson Douglas, Fiddle Tunes From Central West Virginia,

-Wilson Douglas, The Right Hand Fork of Rush’s Creek, Rounder

Download a pdf of Old Mother Flanagan -> Click OldMotherFlanagan.pdf.